On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 4:22 PM, Raphael Hertzog <hert...@debian.org> wrote:
> We wants to stop using the environment because busybox hides it from us...
> I don't see the point of continuing to use it.

I understand that; I tend to agree, modulo things not being listed in
/proc/cmdline as below...

> Can you elaborate on what's wrong with /proc/cmdline on kfreebsd? We know
> that it exists. Are you saying that it doesn't contain the actual
> parameters passed on the kernel command line at boot time?

Correct; /proc/cmdline exists, but anything set up using:

set kFreebsd.priority=high
set kFreebsd.auto=true

Which appears to me to be the current method for preseeding on the
command-line (ie. at boot time; from grub); these options do not show
up in /proc/cmdline in my testing.

I tried to pass things after boot_one; but did not dig in any farther
than that. There probably is another way to get this to work.

> At least it does not cope well with parameters without any "=". Try adding
> words like "quiet" in the middle of your parameter list. They do not end
> up on a line of their own.
> I freely admit that my solution is complex but I was not able to find a
> simpler one that works well enough with my test case:
> language=fr_FR long?='1 2 3' rescue/enable="true" my/description="un message" 
> --- quiet

Yeah, I didn't have one of those in my test case. Oops.


Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <mathieu.trudel-lapie...@canonical.com>
Freenode: cyphermox, Jabber: mathieu...@gmail.com
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