On Sat, 18 Nov 2017, "Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)" <j...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi Samuel
> On 18/11/2017 02:15, Samuel Thibault wrote:
>> Put another way: I *don't* think we want to change this set of
>> questions, we'd just lose users. Thus the other proposal, proposed right
>> from the start of the thread: have *another* panel of questions really
>> meant for beginner, and that advanced users can easily skip, for the 90%
>> cases that often match beginners cases.
> +1, because the choice of questions is just one part of the problem. The
> other is that d-i asks some questions, does some work, and then asks
> some more questions. For a simple mode for the 90% of users out there,
> it could ask all the simple questions up front and then continue with
> the work. Right?

The later questions are mostly conditional on the state of the installer
at the time they are asked, so one cannot do a simple-minded automatic

Some of them are really about the state of the archive (e.g. the tasksel
menu) which could be pre-processed and then asked early (if we don't
mind losing the option of updating the tasks after the media are built).

Others are things where we could just decide to ask early in a
handcrafted ask-early.udeb that then preseeds the later questions to
avoid them being asked mid-install.

Working out how to ask about partitioning before one knows what disks
are available is not going to be fixed by either approach though.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
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