Hi list,

On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 01:17:47PM +0100, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> In Debian, using netinst, we have
> and that's it.
> That's a bit more items, but not by so much.
No, that's a lot more than other installers. IMO our installer is not
for beginners, it's for advanced users and for experts we have much
more questions. d-i lacks a beginners mode with only the minimal
questions. All questions were we normally just hit return can be
omitted, if it's still possible to switch to a

For e.g. several questions for the partitioning and
selecting a device for the boot loader is nothing a beginner could
answer, because he's missing the know how about device names, grub,
LVM and so on and that's why they just hit return.

> - bootloader installation (we really can not avoid this step, it poses
>  too many problems).
Why can't we avoid this question? I wonder because other distributions
do not ask it.

A CentOS 7 installation just asks me the language, which disk to use,
a password for root a user name and password. Nothing more. But I
still can have a different timezone or keyboard beside the good
defaults they set.

I'm currently working on a simple way to create customized
installation images, and I like to present the results on the
MiniDebConf in Cambridge next week. I will also post some news here

regards Thomas

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