On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 08:57:39PM +0200, Geert Stappers wrote:
> ----- information that I got from Kaarnijoki -----
> Now. When I aborted installation I had lost network. The icon in the
> top corner still said I was connected, but could not get anything with
> browser. After disconnecting and reconnecting with two clicks it was rock
> and roll again. Strange? All well before installer starts. No network
> with installer. All well after quitting installer and disconnecting and
> reconnecting. ???

What we know, is that the installer DHCP problem is reproducable
by Kaarnijoki. We also know that 8.1 did work for Kaarnijoki.

I don't know what is causing the reported problem.

Kaarnijoki please tell about your network and DHCP server
that you think might provide addtional information.

> Anyway. Thank you for your time and effort. I do appreciate.
> Use the Force!
> Pasi

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

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