For your information

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 08:57:39PM +0200, Geert Stappers wrote:
> ----- information that I got from Kaarnijoki -----

> > * What is the output of `lspci -n -s 00:19.0`
> 00:19.0 0200: 8086:10de (rev 02)

      8086       10de   (vendor and device)
      8086       10DE   (all uppercase)
  00008086   000010DE   (prefix zeros)
 v00008086  d000010DE   (added 'v' and 'd')

> > * `/sbin/modinfo e1000e` gives many numbers.
> > Do you see numbers from output of `lspci -n -s 00:19.0`?
> > If not, provide the whole output of `/sbin/modinfo e1000e`
> filename: 
> /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/e1000e.ko
> version: 2.3.2-k
> license: GPL
> description: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver
> author: Intel Corporation, <>
> srcversion: 572A172E2AD33950B020147
> alias: pci:v00008086d000015B8sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d000015B7sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d00001570sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d000010EAsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d00001525sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d000010DFsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d000010DEsv*sd*bc*sc*i*

 v00008086 d000010DE

We have a match on loaded kernel module and used N.I.C.

> alias: pci:v00008086d000010CEsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d000010CDsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d000010CCsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d000010CBsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d000010F5sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d000010BCsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d000010A4sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d0000105Fsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> alias: pci:v00008086d0000105Esv*sd*bc*sc*i*
> depends: ptp
> intree: Y
> vermagic: 3.16.0-4-amd64 SMP mod_unload modversions
> parm: debug:Debug level (0=none,...,16=all) (int)
> parm: copybreak:Maximum size of packet that is copied to a new buffer on 
> receive (uint)
> parm: TxIntDelay:Transmit Interrupt Delay (array of int)
> parm: TxAbsIntDelay:Transmit Absolute Interrupt Delay (array of int)
> parm: RxIntDelay:Receive Interrupt Delay (array of int)
> parm: RxAbsIntDelay:Receive Absolute Interrupt Delay (array of int)
> parm: InterruptThrottleRate:Interrupt Throttling Rate (array of int)
> parm: IntMode:Interrupt Mode (array of int)
> parm: SmartPowerDownEnable:Enable PHY smart power down (array of int)
> parm: KumeranLockLoss:Enable Kumeran lock loss workaround (array of int)
> parm: WriteProtectNVM:Write-protect NVM [WARNING: disabling this can lead to 
> corrupted NVM] (array of int)
> parm: CrcStripping:Enable CRC Stripping, disable if your BMC needs the CRC 
> (array of int)
> > * Output of `uname -a`
> Linux debian 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-2 (2016-04-08) x86_64 
> GNU/Linux
> > Next is booting with Debian-Installer 8.5.
> > The request is *booting* with the installer.
> > (there is *no need* to install the system again)
> > Go to a shell in d-i ( ALT-F2 )
> >
> > * Output of `uname -a`
> Linux debian 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-2 (2016-04-08) x86_64 
> GNU/Linux

Okay, that is the same kernel as the working kernel.

> > * Shows `modinfo e1000e` numbers of `lspci -n -s 00:19.0`?

That question was suppossed to be a Yes/No question.  My bad.

> modinfo e1000e gives large output that looks similar to previous
> output from installed system. I was not able to copy and paste it from
> installer. I wrote down these other outputs, which were identical to
> ones I got from live system (uname -a and lspci -n -s 00:19.0)

The kernels are the same. ( At the time I asked the question, I had not that 
information. )
So the kernel modules are the same.
So the output of `modinfo` is the same.

We still have the interresting problem. (There will be a next message)

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

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