Package: partman-partitioning (I'm afraid I don't know the right package name nor the version number. I searched with a general web search for `reporting bugs debian-installer' and `reporting bugs partman', and looked on, and didn't find any guidance.)
I asked the partitioner in the Stretch Alpha 5 amd64 debian-installer (firmware-stretch-DI-alpha5-amd64-netinst.iso) to resize an ext4 partition on an NVME device. I did this from: You are editing partition #3 of /dev/nvme0n1. This partition is [blah blah] ext4 [blah]. It failed, saying "Because of an unknown reason it is impossible to resize" etc. The log on VC4 says: Apr 12 18:00:03 partman: Error running 'tune2fs -l /dev/nvme0n1' Obviously that is not the right device name. I asked for a shell on another VC, and tune2fs -l /dev/nvme0n1p3 printed the kind of output I would expect. I hope this bug report is helpful. I can probably reproduce the problem and maybe save debug logs etc. The partition is actually the filesystem of the laptop vendor's[1] preinstalled Ubuntu trusty. So I will try to resize it from within the Ubuntu installation. I hope that when I make new partitions it will manage to choose the correct device to write to when it creates the filesystem... Thanks, Ian. [1] Dell, an XPS-2013 Developer Edition 2016. The laptop is booting in UEFI mode and the NVME SSD seems to have a GPT partition table.