Christian PERRIER <> (2016-01-08):
> To other D-I developers (not to say "to Kibi") : I'm very tempted to
> give full confidence in Marco's proposals (this one and the one
> related to devices creation), apply these patches, upload and wait for
> input. Any objection?

I really think someone should check the a) from the quote below:
> Please let's agree on how to fix this, because trying to create the
> other useless devices:                                             
> a) is pointless, and                                               
> b) prevents running debootstrap in containers                      

debootstrap is not only used to install Debian on Debian, and being a
tad too aggressive with this removal might not be the best move forward.
On the other hand, making a change and getting some feedback from people
who got their stuff broken with it, possibly with patches, wouldn't be
/so/ bad.


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