Hi Brian,

On Mon, 01 Jun 2015, Brian Potkin wrote:
> [...] but put it down to things coming and going during the testing period.

Ok, duly noted. (Un)happy coincidence that I used just one of those.

> Surely the method you describe on your blog and the use of the hd-media
> method allows this?

Yes, but is tedious to update/

> Another method is to partition the stick. [...]

Of course, this is an option, but doesn't allow you to have
multiple iso images to be booted (or, ok, unless you make many

I agree, there are many methods, but it is about convenience.

> The author of iso-scan has this to say:
>   iso-scan is part of the Debian installer[1].
>   However, it is only included in the hd-media initrd. There is no reason
>   to include it on the regular CD initrd, because isohybrid allows
>   mounting the USB stick directly. (Not a loop-mount of an iso file
>   included in some disk, which the hd-media initrd handles.)
>    https://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2013/09/msg00097.html

Thanks, I will ask Joey whether I don't want to reconsider this

Nowadays laptops practically never come with CD drive, and in many
cases you don't want to go out and buy a new USB stick just for
installation,and you don't want to rescue all your data from the
usb stick before installing Debian.

On Mon, 01 Jun 2015, Christian Kastner wrote:
> In an age where the cheapest USB drive (at 5€) will get you 16GB, and
> 10€ will get you a 32GB, with sufficient space for 3 resp. 7 full DVD
> images, perhaps this statement should be revisited.

Here I agree.

> Having a single USB drive with eg multiple Jessie images, say for
> various popular architectures, and without having to resort to
> hd-media[1], would be nice.

As well as here.

All the best


PREINING, Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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