On Sat 30 May 2015 at 11:19:17 +0200, Christian Kastner wrote:

> On Fri, 29 May 2015 12:32:13 +0900 Norbert Preining <prein...@logic.at>
> wrote:
> > > It looks to me as though we're missing iso-scan and load-iso from the
> > > cdrom target, and that as a result we neither include the loop module,
> > > nor do we attempt to mount the usb stick, nor look for the ISO therein.
> > 
> > Indeed, checking the initrd you mentioned I see the iso-scan and load-iso
> > packages available, while in the initrd from current image
> > it is not.
> I believe this issue (or a variant of it) was already reported as #618000.

#618000 and this bug are related (both involve the kernel module loop.ko
being in the initrd) but they are not the same issue. #618000 is an
enhancement request for D-I. #724931 could be viewed as an attempt to
move the issue to a conclusion.

On the other hand, #785512 is reporting a "regression" between the
Jessie installer and some random, unknown, testing version for which
documentation of any intentional change is lacking. Note that it is not
a "regression" compared with the Wheezy installer, which is also unable
to take advantage of GRUB's loopback facility.

> A fix in the ISO would be great. I used as similar workaround as the one
> you mentioned in your blog post, but that quickly became tedious
> (assuming one updates the stick at every point release, too).

There are at least three ways to boot a netinst ISO from a USB stick. An
additional one based on GRUB's loopback would be nice. All have their
advantages and disadvantages but installing Debian successfully without
the tedium and in a controlled manner is still possible without it.



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