#include <hallo.h>
Anthony Towns wrote on Thu Jan 17, 2002 um 12:59:01AM:

> >  - see above. Someone may say, 2.4.x is less stable. 
> Then they can use one of the 2.2.x boot-floppy flavours that we'd still
> be building, can't they?

I prepared needed modifications to build our current 2.2.x flavors
(except of reiserfs & ext3) and the new bf2.4 flavor.

> What flavours would this leave us with, and what machines would they be for?
> I was imagining something like:
>       <plain> - 2.2, boots everywhere, lots of drivers, a bit complicated
>       <safe> - same as plain, but works even more places
>       <idepci> - 2.2, boots on all modern equipment with IDE, easy
>       <compact> - 2.2, boots on all modern equipment with SCSI or IDE, easy
>       <2.4> - 2.4, works on modern machines, handles ext3+reiser, easyish

Yes. After commiting, these will be build: vanilla, safe, idepci,
compact, bf2.4.

> Hrm. Is there really any point keeping <safe> and <plain> separate? Is
> the "safe, slow and stupid" version of SYSLINUX really so slow or stupid
> that we need a separate set of disks just to avoid it?
> Also, is there much real difference between <idepci> and <compact>? Can

<compact> is nice for a three-floppy-install, ie. on old 486 boxes with
floppy drives and a good old-compatible network card.

> <idepci> do anything <compact> can't, or is it any easier to use? If not,
> can it be dumped for <compact>?

If you ask me, I do not see any need for the idepci flavor. Its
description says:

| The idepci flavor contains a kernel with only IDE and PCI support.  It
| is geared towards modern PCs without SCSI controllers.  If you have
| SCSI, you should be using the 'compact' flavor rather than this one.

So similar characteristics as the bf2.4 flavor would have. But idepci
does not have some drivers, eg. ISDN (often used in Europe). The only
advantage I is that the ide-floppy driver is built-in, so people can
install on ZIP/LS-120 drives. OTOH, this can be changed easily in the
bf2.4 flavor.

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