On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 08:32:03PM +0200, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> I noticed that we still have, in D-I, a "userdevfs" package that is
> meant to provide support for the deprecated devfs devices....for
> pre-2.6 kernels.

> I was about to move it the D-I attic and request for this package (and
> assoicated udebs) to be removed from the archive....until a last check
> showed me that it is indeed used by armel D-I builds, namely in the
> "ads.cfg" package list:

> ===================================================
> # Since no kernel is currently provided in Debian, provide userdevfs so
> # a locally provided monlothic kernel without devfs/udev will work.
> userdevfs

> # The ADS kernels don't use udev yet, and won't have important devices if
> # udev is included.
> udev-udeb -

> # pcmcia is on most of these boards, although it's more commonly used for
> # compact flash reading / bootloader stuff than for networking
> pcmciautils-udeb
> ===================================================

From the top of config/armel/ads.cfg:

  # FIXME: no kernel in Debian yet for ADS boards, users must provide their own.

And there've only ever been two commits to this file, in 2008 and 2009.

> So, is this only old cruft that should be cleaned out or is there a
> reason for userdevfs to still exist?
> In short, is this "ADS" thing something considered obsolete and not
> supported anymore or is it still supported? If so, is this userdevfs
> really useful?

I've never even heard of an ADS board.  Whatever it is, I think it's clear
that the support can be killed off now.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

> ----- Forwarded message from Christian PERRIER <bubu...@debian.org> -----
> Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 18:46:53 +0200
> From: Christian PERRIER <bubu...@debian.org>
> To: Ansgar Burchardt <ans...@debian.org>, 717...@bugs.debian.org
> Subject: Bug#717816: userdevfs: includes device files
> Reply-To: Christian PERRIER <bubu...@debian.org>, 717...@bugs.debian.org
> X-Mailing-List: <debian-boot@lists.debian.org> archive/latest/174563
> X-CRM114-Status: Good  ( pR: 999.99  )
> Quoting Ansgar Burchardt (ans...@debian.org):
> > Package: userdevfs
> > Version: 0.17
> > 
> > userdevfs includes device files which makes dak's lintian check unhappy
> > and violates Policy 10.6 (not sure how far this applies for udebs):
> > 
> > On 07/25/2013 12:37, Cron Daemon wrote:
> > > W: lintian failed for 
> > > /srv/ftp-master.debian.org/tmp/dakay42em/userdevfs_0.17_i386.changes 
> > > [return code: 2].
> > > W:  [possible output:] /bin/tar: ./dev/ram0: Cannot mknod: Operation not 
> > > permitted
> > >  [possible output:] /bin/tar: ./dev/vc/2: Cannot mknod: Operation not 
> > > permitted
> > [...]
> > >  [possible output:] /bin/tar: ./dev/tty: Cannot mknod: Operation not 
> > > permitted
> > >  [possible output:] /bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous 
> > > errors
> > >  [possible output:] internal error: dpkg-deb | tar failed with status  2 
> > > at /usr/share/lintian/collection/unpacked line 82
> > >  [possible output:] warning: collect info unpacked about package 
> > > userdevfs failed
> > >  [possible output:] warning: skipping check of udeb package userdevfs
> > 
> > As the package description mentions pre-2.6 kernels I'm also wondering
> > if the package is still needed?
> I wondered also....but found out that the package is mentioned in at
> least on pkg-list for armel builds. 
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> -- 

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