Please notice that I know about nothing to arm/armel stuff so I may say stupid things.
I noticed that we still have, in D-I, a "userdevfs" package that is meant to provide support for the deprecated devfs devices....for pre-2.6 kernels. I was about to move it the D-I attic and request for this package (and assoicated udebs) to be removed from the archive....until a last check showed me that it is indeed used by armel D-I builds, namely in the "ads.cfg" package list: =================================================== # Since no kernel is currently provided in Debian, provide userdevfs so # a locally provided monlothic kernel without devfs/udev will work. userdevfs # The ADS kernels don't use udev yet, and won't have important devices if # udev is included. udev-udeb - # pcmcia is on most of these boards, although it's more commonly used for # compact flash reading / bootloader stuff than for networking pcmciautils-udeb =================================================== So, is this only old cruft that should be cleaned out or is there a reason for userdevfs to still exist? In short, is this "ADS" thing something considered obsolete and not supported anymore or is it still supported? If so, is this userdevfs really useful? ----- Forwarded message from Christian PERRIER <> ----- Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 18:46:53 +0200 From: Christian PERRIER <> To: Ansgar Burchardt <>, Subject: Bug#717816: userdevfs: includes device files Reply-To: Christian PERRIER <>, X-Mailing-List: <> archive/latest/174563 X-CRM114-Status: Good ( pR: 999.99 ) Quoting Ansgar Burchardt ( > Package: userdevfs > Version: 0.17 > > userdevfs includes device files which makes dak's lintian check unhappy > and violates Policy 10.6 (not sure how far this applies for udebs): > > On 07/25/2013 12:37, Cron Daemon wrote: > > W: lintian failed for > > /srv/ > > [return code: 2]. > > W: [possible output:] /bin/tar: ./dev/ram0: Cannot mknod: Operation not > > permitted > > [possible output:] /bin/tar: ./dev/vc/2: Cannot mknod: Operation not > > permitted > [...] > > [possible output:] /bin/tar: ./dev/tty: Cannot mknod: Operation not > > permitted > > [possible output:] /bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous > > errors > > [possible output:] internal error: dpkg-deb | tar failed with status 2 at > > /usr/share/lintian/collection/unpacked line 82 > > [possible output:] warning: collect info unpacked about package userdevfs > > failed > > [possible output:] warning: skipping check of udeb package userdevfs > > As the package description mentions pre-2.6 kernels I'm also wondering > if the package is still needed? I wondered also....but found out that the package is mentioned in at least on pkg-list for armel builds. ----- End forwarded message ----- --
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