Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 03:41:07PM -0500 wrote:
> >>>>> "DK" == David Kimdon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     DK>  As Ethan pointed out, I pulled that out in favor of using
>     DK> busybox wget.  You should have gotten a really simple status bar
>     DK> though.  If you didn't I'd like to hear about it.
>     DK> 
> Yes, I did get a simple status bar. Simpler is better! But I did like
> the old-style download rate meter mainly because it gives an idea of how
> good/bad the network connection and bandwidth is.
> This is a fairly subjective issue, but FWIW I should point out that the
> FreeBSD net installer also indicates the rate at which files are being
> downloaded.

Okay, cool.  If you want to pursue this further just file a wishlist
bug on busybox, we use busybox wget output.  It gives us %, bytes read
and ETA, it could probably give us rate as well without much added
space, and we could then parse that adding a few more bytes,probably
not a big deal.


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