Hi Eric, On Freitag, 29. Mai 2009, Eric Doviak wrote: [and the rest I removed] > > I'd suggest Eric puts this document under a proper licence (/me suggests > > GPL2+, just add another appendix add the bottom with the licence text...) > > and then hopefully everybody is happy to add/edit content :-) > Will do!
Nice! Eric, to make the document easily (=so I can re-use existing code) translatable and to create PDF and HTML versions, you need to have a defined structure in the wiki. It's quite easy and I'm happy to help, so don't worry :) Look at the wiki source of these two pages, you will need to create similar ones: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Lenny/ http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Lenny/AllInOne I suggest you also look at and copy these pages: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Lenny/Translations http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Lenny/CopyRight http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Lenny/AppendixA (All the pages names are arbituray as long as they are listed in the index and AllInOne pages, which have to have these names. Subpages are also possible.) So for your guide I'd suggest to use the following URLs: http://wiki.debian.org/LennyIllustratedInstall http://wiki.debian.org/LennyIllustratedInstall/AllInOne http://wiki.debian.org/LennyIllustratedInstall/About http://wiki.debian.org/LennyIllustratedInstall/FirstSteps http://wiki.debian.org/LennyIllustratedInstall/InstallationProcess http://wiki.debian.org/LennyIllustratedInstall/Translations http://wiki.debian.org/LennyIllustratedInstall/CopyRight http://wiki.debian.org/LennyIllustratedInstall/AppendixA http://wiki.debian.org/LennyIllustratedInstall/$and_so_on... If you do this, the result will look similar to http://maintainer.skolelinux.org/debian-edu-doc/ and be available as .debs. Translations are done with .po files (and thus standard tools). If you have any further questions, please dont't hesitate to ask me! I'm happy to help :-) regards, Holger
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