Frank Lin PIAT wrote:
Your recommendation aren't consistent with Debian.
Given my preference for consistency over confusion, I will definitely edit the guide to make it consistent with Debian's recommendations. Just give me a week or two to make the changes. I'm rather busy at the moment.

 * openoffice, gimp, ekiga, pigin... are installed by default[1]
so there is no need to explain how to install them.
Explaining that the packages are there is also valuable information, so instead of removing those items, I think I'll just include a note that says that they are installed by default.

* Debian has chosen to install openoffice rather that abiword and
   gnumeric, so it's awkward that your first example is to install
Shuffling the order shouldn't be too difficult. Will do!

Also the wiki pages aims to
list equivalent application, *in* Debian. It isn't complete yet.
I'll definitely include that list. (I might even add to it myself).

Holger Levsen wrote:
I'd suggest Eric puts this document under a proper licence (/me suggests GPL2+, just add another appendix add the bottom with the licence text...) and then hopefully everybody is happy to add/edit content :-)
Will do!

Thanks Franklin and Holger!
- Eric

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