On 12:39 Mon 13 Apr     , Jérémy Bobbio wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 09:53:29AM +0200, Davide Viti wrote:
> > during the Extremadura meeting about g-i, we talked about the
> > possibility of having the chante to play games during an installation.
> > There are still some evidence of this in the wiki [1]
> I still have a Tetris cdebconf plugin for the graphical installer that
> works well.  One can dig the list archive to find a link to a mini-iso.
> But having a Tetris as a standalone question is not something really
> interesting, as what is desirable is to be able to play something
> *while* the computer is working.
> One idea was to add some "tabs" to the graphical installer, one with the
> actual questions, another with a terminal and yet another with the
> Tetris.  I also might have a proof of concept lying around on some hard
> drive.

Feel free to send me this proof ;) or if you can, put it in a public place.

> I will not continue to work on these ideas soon, so if anyone is
> interested to pick that up, that's welcome. :)

I am ! :)

I don't want to work if the idea of adding game will not be accepted by the

But if the team agree that it is a good idea, I could give a try by adding tabs
or such... build an iso and do some screenshots to get feedback

  ,''`.  Xavier Oswald <x.osw...@free.fr>                   
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