On Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 04:42:36PM +0000, Colin Watson wrote:
> I've attached the necessary d-i patches (against current Ubuntu, but
> I'll do any necessary work to merge into Debian) to this mail.

I actually revised the patches to be against d-i trunk before sending
this mail, but forgot to rewrite this paragraph.

I missed a few bits, in iso-scan, os-prober, partconf (not that I care
much, but hey, it's in the codebase, and we still use some of its
utilities here and there), and rescue. Attached.

Colin Watson                                       [cjwat...@ubuntu.com]
Index: packages/iso-scan/debian/iso-scan.postinst
--- packages/iso-scan/debian/iso-scan.postinst	(revision 56948)
+++ packages/iso-scan/debian/iso-scan.postinst	(working copy)
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
 hw-detect iso-scan/detect_progress_title || true
 # Load up every filesystem known to man. The drive could have anything.
-FS="ext2 ext3 reiserfs fat vfat xfs iso9660 hfsplus hfs ntfs"
+FS="ext2 ext3 ext4 reiserfs fat vfat xfs jfs iso9660 hfsplus hfs ntfs"
 for fs in $FS; do
 	modprobe $fs >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
Index: packages/os-prober/os-probes/init/common/10filesystems
--- packages/os-prober/os-probes/init/common/10filesystems	(revision 56948)
+++ packages/os-prober/os-probes/init/common/10filesystems	(working copy)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Make sure filesystems are available.
 set +e	# ignore errors from modprobe
-FILESYSTEMS='ext2 ext3 reiserfs xfs jfs msdos vfat ntfs minix hfs hfsplus qnx4 ufs'
+FILESYSTEMS='ext2 ext3 ext4 reiserfs xfs jfs msdos vfat ntfs minix hfs hfsplus qnx4 ufs'
 # The Ubuntu kernel udebs put a number of filesystem modules in
 # fs-{core,secondary}-modules. It's fairly cheap to check for these too.
 FILESYSTEMS="$FILESYSTEMS fs-core fs-secondary"
Index: packages/partconf/mkfstab.c
--- packages/partconf/mkfstab.c	(revision 56948)
+++ packages/partconf/mkfstab.c	(working copy)
@@ -92,7 +92,9 @@
 		dummy->options = strdup(options);
 	} else {
 		if((strcmp(dummy->mountpoint, "/") == 0) &&
-		  ((strcmp(dummy->typ, "ext2") == 0) || (strcmp(dummy->typ, "ext3") == 0))) {
+		  ((strcmp(dummy->typ, "ext2") == 0) ||
+		   (strcmp(dummy->typ, "ext3") == 0) ||
+		   (strcmp(dummy->typ, "ext4") == 0))) {
 			dummy->options = strdup("errors=remount-ro");
 		} else {
 			dummy->options = strdup("defaults");
Index: packages/partconf/mountpoint.c
--- packages/partconf/mountpoint.c	(revision 56948)
+++ packages/partconf/mountpoint.c	(working copy)
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 const char *fs_list[] = {
+    "ext4",
Index: packages/partconf/partconf.c
--- packages/partconf/partconf.c	(revision 56948)
+++ packages/partconf/partconf.c	(working copy)
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@
     /* FIXME: How can we tell which file system modules to load?  */
-    char *file_system_modules[] = {"ext2", "ext3", "reiserfs", "jfs", "xfs", NULL};
+    char *file_system_modules[] = {"ext2", "ext3", "ext4", "reiserfs", "jfs", "xfs", NULL};
     debconf = debconfclient_new();
     debconf_capb(debconf, "backup");
Index: packages/rescue/debian/rescue-mode.postinst
--- packages/rescue/debian/rescue-mode.postinst	(revision 56948)
+++ packages/rescue/debian/rescue-mode.postinst	(working copy)
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
 try_load_module ext2
 try_load_module ext3
+try_load_module ext4
 try_load_module jfs
 try_load_module reiserfs
 try_load_module xfs

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