On Thursday 17 July 2008, Ryan Niebur wrote:
> Here is a new patch that doesn't move those functions, and makes
> changes to the debconf templates based on Martin's comments.

Much better :-)

I've added my comments inside the patch marked with ####.
I've snipped parts of the patch that I had no comments about, hopefully 
leaving enough for context.

The review is mostly on style, but I did not spot anything that looked 
obviously wrong to me. For the rest it will just need testing.

General question: how well has this been tested and for which RAID levels 
and variations in spare/missing devices?

Again, in general this looks very good.


Index: mdcfg/debian/mdcfg-utils.templates
--- mdcfg/debian/mdcfg-utils.templates	(revision 54408)
+++ mdcfg/debian/mdcfg-utils.templates	(working copy)
@@ -107,6 +107,80 @@

+Template: mdcfg/raid10sparecount
+Type: string
+# :sl3:
+_Description: Number of spare devices for the RAID10 array:

+Template: mdcfg/raid6sparecount
+Type: string
+# :sl3:
+_Description: Number of spare devices for the RAID6 array:

#### (second one taken from lower down in the patch)
#### I wonder if we should consolidate such strings that only have "RAIDx"
#### different between them. However, that could/should be a separate change.

#### Christian: what do you think? Would RAIDx need to be translatable if
#### we did that?


+Template: mdcfg/raid10layout
+Type: string
+# :sl3:
+_Description: Layout of the RAID10 multidisk device:
+ The layout must be n, o, or f followed by a number.
+ .
+ The number is the number of copies of each chunk.
+ It has to be equal to or smaller than the number of active devices.
+ .
+ The letter is the arrangement of the copies.
+  n - near copies: Multiple copies of one data block are at similar offsets in different devices.
+  f - far copies: Multiple copies have very different offsets
+  o - offset copies: Rather than the chunks being duplicated within a stripe, whole stripes are duplicated but are rotated by one device so duplicate blocks are on different devices.

#### Don't the lines above need explicit \n at the end?

+ .
+ The default setting is n2.
+ .
+ NOTE: this setting cannot be changed later.

@@ -135,6 +209,26 @@
  Please choose which partitions are active devices.
  You must select exactly ${COUNT} partitions.
+Template: mdcfg/raid6devs
+Type: multiselect
+Choices: ${PARTITIONS}
+# :sl3:
+_Description: Active devices for the RAID6 multidisk device:
+ You have chosen to create an RAID6 array with ${COUNT} active devices.
+ .
+ Please choose which partitions are active devices.
+ You must select exactly ${COUNT} partitions.
+Template: mdcfg/raid10devs
+Type: multiselect
+Choices: ${PARTITIONS}
+# :sl3:
+_Description: Active devices for the RAID10 multidisk device:
+ You have chosen to create an RAID10 array with ${COUNT} active devices.
+ .
+ Please choose which partitions are active devices.
+ You must select exactly ${COUNT} partitions.

#### These would be candidates for consolidation as well.

 Template: mdcfg/deletemenu
 Type: select
 # :sl3:
Index: mdcfg/mdcfg.sh
--- mdcfg/mdcfg.sh	(revision 54408)
+++ mdcfg/mdcfg.sh	(working copy)
@@ -102,14 +102,7 @@
-		case "$RAID_SEL" in
-		    RAID5)
-			md_create_raid5 ;;
-		    RAID1)
-			md_create_raid1 ;;
-		    RAID0)
-			md_create_raid0 ;;
-		esac
+		md_create_array "$RAID_SEL"

#### I think I'd prefer to keep this as follows:
		case "$RAID_SEL" in
			md_create_raid0 ;;
			md_create_array "$RAID_SEL" ;;
			return 1 ;;

@@ -199,215 +192,104 @@
-md_create_raid1() {
-	db_set mdcfg/raid1devcount 2
+	case "$1" in
+		RAID10)
+			MIN_SIZE=2 ;;
+		RAID6)
+			MIN_SIZE=4 ;;
+		RAID5)
+			MIN_SIZE=3 ;;
+		RAID1)
+			MIN_SIZE=2 ;;
+		RAID0)
+			md_create_raid0; return ;;
+		*)
+			return ;;
+	esac

#### Previous suggestion would mean the RAID0 case could be dropped here.
#### Suggest to sort ascending after that.

#### In case of no match: 'return 1'.

#### Please use 4 space indent for the allowed values as in the
#### existing case statement above (see coding style doc in
#### installer/doc/devel/ in SVN).

-	# Get the count of active devices
-	while [ $OK -eq 0 ]; do
-		db_input critical mdcfg/raid1devcount
-		db_go
-		if [ $? -eq 30 ]; then
-			return
-		fi
+	LEVEL=$(echo "$1" | sed s/RAID//)

#### This could be simplified to 'LEVEL=${1#RAID}'


-	db_set mdcfg/raid5sparecount "0"
+	db_set mdcfg/raid${LEVEL}sparecount "0"
 	# Same procedure as above, but get the number of spare partitions
 	# this time.
 	# TODO: Make a general function for this kind of stuff
 	while [ $OK -eq 0 ]; do
-		db_input critical mdcfg/raid5sparecount
+		db_input critical mdcfg/raid${LEVEL}sparecount
 		if [ $? -eq 30 ]; then
-		db_get mdcfg/raid5sparecount
+		db_get mdcfg/raid${LEVEL}sparecount
 		RET=$(echo $RET | sed -e "s/[[:space:]]//g")
 		if [ "$RET" ]; then
 			let "OK=${RET}>=0 && ${RET}<99"
-	db_get mdcfg/raid5devcount
+	db_get mdcfg/raid${LEVEL}devcount
-	if [ $DEV_COUNT -lt 3 ]; then
-		DEV_COUNT=3 # Minimum number for RAID5
+	if [ "$LEVEL" -ne "1" ]; then

#### No quotes needed for numerical comparisons (more consistent with
#### other uses in this script too). Occurs multiple times.


-	# Loop until the correct number of active devices has been selected
-	while [ $SELECTED -ne $DEV_COUNT ]; do
-		db_subst mdcfg/raid5devs COUNT "$DEV_COUNT"
-		db_subst mdcfg/raid5devs PARTITIONS "$PARTITIONS"
-		db_input critical mdcfg/raid5devs
+	# Loop until the correct number of active devices has been selected for RAID 5 and 10
+	# Loop until at least one device has been selected for RAID 1

#### What about RAID 6?

+	until ([ "$LEVEL" -ne "1" ] && [ $SELECTED -eq $DEV_COUNT ]) || ([ "$LEVEL" -eq "1" ] && [ $SELECTED -gt 0 ] && [ $SELECTED -le $DEV_COUNT ]); do

#### Please use line continuation for such long tests:
	until ([ "$LEVEL" -ne "1" ] && [ $SELECTED -eq $DEV_COUNT ]) || \
	      ([ "$LEVEL" -eq "1" ] && [ $SELECTED -gt 0 ] && [ $SELECTED -le $DEV_COUNT ]); do

@@ -428,15 +319,15 @@
 		# That means any number less than or equal to the spare count.
 		while [ $SELECTED -gt $SPARE_COUNT ] || [ $FIRST -eq 1 ]; do
-			db_subst mdcfg/raid5sparedevs COUNT "$SPARE_COUNT"
-			db_subst mdcfg/raid5sparedevs PARTITIONS "$PARTITIONS"
-			db_input critical mdcfg/raid5sparedevs
+			db_subst mdcfg/raid${LEVEL}sparedevs COUNT "$SPARE_COUNT"
+			db_subst mdcfg/raid${LEVEL}sparedevs PARTITIONS "$PARTITIONS"
+			db_input critical mdcfg/raid${LEVEL}sparedevs
 			if [ $? -eq 30 ]; then
-			db_get mdcfg/raid5sparedevs
+			db_get mdcfg/raid${LEVEL}sparedevs
 			for i in $RET; do
 				DEVICE=$(echo $i | sed -e "s/,//")
@@ -445,13 +336,29 @@
+	if [ "$LEVEL" -eq "10" ]; then
+		db_set mdcfg/raid10layout "n2"
+		db_input low mdcfg/raid10layout
+		db_go
+		if [ $? -eq 30 ]; then return; fi
+		db_get mdcfg/raid10layout
+		LAYOUT="--layout=$RET"
+		until echo $LAYOUT | grep -Eq "^--layout=[nfo][0-9]{1,2}$" && [ "$(echo $LAYOUT | sed s/--layout=.//)" -le "$DEV_COUNT" ]; do

#### Line continuation again:
+		until echo $LAYOUT | grep -Eq "^--layout=[nfo][0-9]{1,2}$" && \
		      [ "$(echo $LAYOUT | sed s/--layout=.//)" -le "$DEV_COUNT" ]; do

#### First adding --layout= and then removing it again for test against
#### DEV_COUNT seems a bit silly. It should be possible to rewrite that.

+			db_input critical mdcfg/raid10layout
+			db_go
+			if [ $? -eq 30 ]; then return; fi
+			db_get mdcfg/raid10layout
+			LAYOUT="--layout=$RET"
+		done
+	fi

#### I also wonder why this would need to be asked at priority low first
#### and critical later as it cannot be preseeded with a wrong value
#### because the default is always set first (and preseeding is not an
#### option for most of partman anyway).
#### Should IMO be simplified.

Index: partman/partman-auto-raid/auto-raidcfg
--- partman/partman-auto-raid/auto-raidcfg	(revision 54408)
+++ partman/partman-auto-raid/auto-raidcfg	(working copy)
@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@
 		exit 9
+	if [ "$DEV_COUNT" -lt 4 ] && ([ $RAID_TYPE = "10" ] || [ $RAID_TYPE = "6" ]); then

#### Line continuation again:
	if [ "$DEV_COUNT" -lt 4 ] && \
	   ([ $RAID_TYPE = "10" ] || [ $RAID_TYPE = "6" ]); then

+		db_input critical partman-auto-raid/notenoughparts
+		db_go partman-auto-raid/notenoughparts
+		exit 9
+	fi

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