On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 06:24:27PM -0700, Sam Powers wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 07:15:35PM -0600, Dwayne C. Litzenberger wrote:
> > > > > I was just wondering, will the next Debian release (2.3?) be based
> > > > > on kernel 2.4?
> > >
> > > It is not currently planned, for boot-floppies 2.3.x anyhow, to move to
> > > the 2.4 kernels.
> >
> > Really? If the release is not going to be until the summer, I would think
> > it to be really unwise to use Kernel 2.2, since it should be mature by
> > then, and every other distro will be using it ("Debian is obsolete, again,
> > as usual.").
> It's this or "Debian jumps the gun."
When is the planned freeze date? If it's in more than 3 months, it won't be
jumping the gun, it'll be being on time, for once. Why waste the developers'
time freezing a distribution that will already be out of date? We know 2.4 is
out, we haven't frozen yet (right?), so why not freeze until we've caught up
with some key software (XFree86 4.x needs the DRM which is a 2.4 feature, for
instance.) A delayed release is better than an arcane release.
> > There are 2.2 patches for ReiserFS. Why GRUB?
> Because GRUB is more modern, more flexible (by virtue of being able to boot
> from ReiserFS and ext2, because it understands filesystems.) and also a
> little bit more pretty: it can provide a graphical (Well, about as graphical
> as you get with console) menu on startup, which allows you to select from a
> list of boot scripts defined in /boot/grub/menu.lst, so you can have several
> kernels or sets of kernel arguments predefined for easy selection at
> startup, or dual boot with some other operating system..
Okay, so there's no issue with conflicts between ReiserFS and GRUB, then.
Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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