On 2023-03-25 13:46 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Thu, 2023-03-23 at 23:33 +0000, Wookey wrote:
> > The arm64 servers debian uses for buildds are fine.
> DSA often complain on #debian-admin about how flaky they are and often
> have to reset them, there were a few jokes about rebooting from cron,
> also the release team arch qualifications have a note about this:
>  * concerns-dsa: arm64/armhf/armel: yes: unstable and ageing hardware

I still think that's referring to the 32-bit machines. I'm a buildd
admin for those ports and the machines on this site and I'm not aware
of problems with the 64-bit machines, and I don't get Nagios messages
about them having gone down/back up, like I do about the armhf/armel
hardware. Perhaps they are happenning but I'm not on the right
alias/list so don't see them? I thought I was getting all monitoring
messages for machines on this site

So if there is an issue there we have a communications problem as well
as a hardware problem. I'm sure we can get new arm64 buildds if we
need them.

Principal hats:  Debian, Wookware, ARM

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