Would an ARM-based machine be a good freedom-respecting computer to run Debian on? I read the Raptor/Power guys saying modern ARM has freedom problems in a, but I haven't seen them go into specifics. Is it at least "not as bad" as amd64, with Intel's Management Engine and AMD's equivalent? Or is something like a System76 or Puri.sm amd64-based machine better / just as good?
Do you have specific "ready to buy" (even if lead times are months, not year+) computers to recommend for that? For a laptop? For a "beefy" but quiet desktop that won't shy away from compiling e.g. LibreOffice? Will popular Debian software "generally work" or will I run into "many" situations like e.g. Firefox WebRTC doesn't work on Power and QT 5 doesn't work on Sparc64 (!!!)? I don't particularly want to get deep into being a porter, but I want a good desktop to run XFCE, emacs, mutt, gdal, Firefox ESR, etc, developing my pet software, maybe get back into LibreOffice (a beast to compile...) development and/or become active as Debian package maintainer again, flashing LineageOS to my Android pocket computers (smartphones) until a better alternative becomes usable, ... Thanks in advance for your advice, -- Lionel