Op 11-12-2020 om 16:29 schreef basti:
On 11.12.20 13:27, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
Op 07-12-2020 om 22:22 schreef basti:
logs are from Feb 14 11:48:59.
Is the problem still present?
Yes, the system time was wrong.
ntpd does not work always correct...
With regards,
Hello, please write to the ML so anybody can help you.
Sorry for my mistake!
Which version of Debian/ Kernel do you run?
Debian 10 with default kernel.
I think that is a Problem of buster, search at mailinglist for more info's.
You mean the interface what goes up/down all the time?
Systemd should update your time, please post timedatectl or run ntpdate
at startup.
My problem is not NTP. It's about the network interface what goes
up/down all the time.
In bullseye the error is fixed but:
- it is not easy to upgrade to bullseye because of the limitation of
this size for the kernel
- at the moment it is not pretty clear if bullseye will release for armel
I know.
With regards,
Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen