On Monday 23 July 2018 12:30:40 Lennart Sorensen wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 12:00:19PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > First I am logging in as user 1000, aka pi on the pi and rock64 on
> > the rock64. Root logins are disallowed. I can sudo later, but can't
> > run anything that needs x, getting the can't open display :11 or
> > some such twaddle error.  And I've no clue if ts this wheezy
> > machine, or that jessie or stretch machine reporting the error I see
> > on my konsole here on wheezy.
> Once you su or sudo you no longer have permission to access X.  If you
> want that use gksudo or kdesudo which handle keeping access to X while
> switching to root.

As I keep repeating, x is TOTALLY not available to the common user. I 
need to set that up as an auto reply I guess. All the good editors, and 
I'm fond of geany, but neither geany, kate nor kwrite are available, 
they need x and bailout when they're are denied its use, so I'm stuck 
with nano, and its half a screen vertical jump for a scroll drives me 
plumb out of my skull, spending 95% of my time looking for the damned 
curser. No way in hell you can write good code with that distraction.

I'm running out of patience, everyone is reading what they *think* I 
wrote, then answering that question I didn't ask. That is not helpfull 
and just confuses the next person that replies to what ought to be a new 
thread, its that far from the actual subject.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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