Yeah, this is maybe the 3rd time I've been on IRC, I guess I've given
up trying to get it to work on my phone.  Some of it's interesting
reading.  I'm alan01346 on there.

Page 8, "Fig. 1-1 RK805 One Battery Cell Application" is what I meant.
I suppose it's possible it works but most people don't use it so it
isn't well documented.  Even in fig 1-1 I can't tell where the battery

It has a sleep mode and an alarm.  Page 19 (by xpdf) shows registers
for seconds, minutes, hours, etc.  More on page 21-26.

I searched the IRC for battery and found:

26/12/17 01:37
<tl_lim> I can provide circuit how to add 3V battery power to existing
schematic for RTC power
28/02/18 21:23
<Xalius> the white connector is for the RTC battery

Maybe it used to be there, maybe the Pine64 has one, I don't know.
Not sure what I'd use it for, power consumption seems too high for a
portable.  But if it's got a clock it makes sense it should have a
battery connector.

On 7/22/18, Gene Heskett <> wrote:
> On Sunday 22 July 2018 18:58:44 Alan Corey wrote:
>> Don't really know, on a quick glance I'm not sure where to connect the
>> battery.  But it has a 32 KHz oscillator.  The RK805 I think is a chip
>> on the board, has a clock and several bucks in it.  The Rock64
>> schematic shows it as a power distribution block.
>> From
> I do not see anything there that says battery.  And I just checked the
> printouts for both bus connectors, no battery called out. That 32khz
> crystal is I have to assume, there for clocking the sequencing of system
> power for shut down and bootup. Never used off chip from what I can see.
>> Looks like it expects 2.8 - 3.5 volts so not a lithium battery.  Not
>> sure if it tries to charge it or not.
>> You know about their IRC, right?
> Yes, I hit that at least daily. I'm the gene83 there.
>> Strange URL, there are pine64 and rock64 channels in there.
> Apparently their own irc server.
> Thanks Alan.
> --
> Cheers, Gene Heskett
> --
> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
> Genes Web page <>

No, I won't  call it "climate change", do you have a "reality problem"? - AB1JX
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