I got my odroid-hc1 boards working, with these caveats: * after inserting an sd card into a desktop with debian, gnome file explorer or whatever pops up, if there are filesystems on the partition. Close those and unmount the partition first. * I have to configure a password (TODO: at least force a password change on first login) * wait a second between parted and mkfs to allow udev to catch up. * mkfs wants a confirmation, if the sd card had a filesystem before. * with /etc/network/interfaces I try to configure dhcp on eth0. Actually the interface gets renamed based on the MAC - how do I configure that? Does /etc/network/interface allow "*" pattern or similar? * For my own use case using the whole size of the SD card is proper, thus I use parted with 100% setting. For creating a downloadable image it would be better to configure it as small as possible, then have code in place to resize the partition and filesystem at the first boot. * The package list for multistrap is a mix of my personal preferences and technically required packages.
A current bug in dash causes dash&bash packages not to be configured with DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive. dpkg --configure -a without that option works, but creates an interactive dialog step. That said, except for the required arm cpu firmware blobs from hardkernel, everything is installed from debian, no patching needed. Good job! So how can we go forward here? I had to reach out to the wiki team to create/enable an account, so can't edit it right now. Also the wiki looks like a wild mixed bag of current and really old pages with lots of content linked from third party sources. My preferred end result would be a Debian run and supported installation method or image, where it is entirely clear where each bit came from and what modifications were made, and where patches, if required, are pushed to upstream to improve the ecosystem for everyone. How can we get there? Is debian-installer the only route, or is some team/group/... also covering the typical SBC use case of ready-installed images? It is a shame how much fine tuning gets reinvented in this space all the time, I guess all items from my laundry list above have been found and fixed by others in some way many times already. Any Debian forum for consolidating such work and creating debian images? And while "Debian" in the strict sense means "main" repo only, I'm aware of the non-free blob situation and thus likely targetting something like https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/images-including-firmware/ - i.e. a Debian hosted and run and maintained result including non-free bits are required by the hardware plattform. Thanks, Andreas # Installing Debian on Odroid-HC1 Debian does not support installation on the device as of today (Oct 2017). Installing requires U-Boot and several firmware BLOB from Hardkernel/Samsung. Creating an SD Card based on the daily Debian Installer worked fine, however after boot the kernel did not recognize the USB Host controller it seemed - neither the network card not the USB2Sata bridge were found. The root cause for this is not known. ## Manual installation Lets install straight to a SD Card. This procedure can be done on a normal desktop or laptop computer, the SD Card will contain a ready Debian Installation. ## First step: Partitioning The SD Card must be set up to contain 2MB of unused space at the start, then a boot partition (readable by U-Boot), then the root filesystem. I used a 16GB SD card and chose 400MB for the /boot partition. SDCARD=/dev/sdd parted --script ${SDCARD} \ mklabel msdos \ mkpart primary 2MiB 412MiB \ mkpart primary 412MiB 100% mkfs.ext4 ${SDCARD}1 -E discard mkfs.ext4 ${SDCARD}2 -E discard mount ${SDCARD}2 /mnt/ mkdir /mnt/boot /mnt/dev /mnt/proc /mnt/sys mount ${SDCARD}1 /mnt/boot ## Second step: Bootstrapping multistrap is a new tool similar to debootstrap, but without using a tar.gz file. It fits the purpose nicely. apt install multistrap apt-transport-https qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static cat <<EOF > debian-odroid-hc1-multistrap.conf [General] arch=armhf directory=/mnt/ # same as --tidy-up option if set to true cleanup=true # same as --no-auth option if set to true # keyring packages listed in each bootstrap will # still be installed. noauth=false # extract all downloaded archives (default is true) unpack=true # enable MultiArch for the specified architectures # default is empty #multiarch= # aptsources is a list of sections to be used for downloading packages # and lists and placed in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/multistrap.sources.list # of the target. Order is not important aptsources=Debian # the order of sections is not important. # the bootstrap option determines which repository # is used to calculate the list of Priority: required packages. bootstrap=Debian [Debian] packages=task-ssh-server u-boot-exynos u-boot u-boot-tools linux-image-armmp-lpae firmware-linux firmware-linux-nonfree sudo vim less systemd systemd-sysv iproute2 isc-dhcp-client ca-certificates iputils-ping net-tools iperf3 man-db ifupdown source=https://deb.debian.org/debian/ keyring=debian-archive-keyring suite=buster components=main contrib non-free addimportant=false EOF multistrap -f debian-odroid-hc1-multistrap.conf cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static /mnt/usr/bin/ mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc chroot /mnt/ bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg --configure -a" chroot /mnt/ bash -c "dpkg --configure -a" The last command is required if the previous had an error related to dash and bash. ## Third step: General system config chroot /mnt passwd root chroot /mnt bash -c 'systemctl enable serial-getty@ttySAC2.service' echo debian-odroid-h1 > /mnt/etc/hostname echo debian-odroid-hc1 localhost > /mnt/etc/hosts cat << EOF > /mnt/etc/network/interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp EOF sed -e "s/^#PermitRootLogin.*/PermitRootLogin Yes/g" -i /mnt/etc/ssh/sshd_config ## Fourth step: Boot loader, including Vendor firmware (BLOB) BOOT_UUID="$(lsblk -n -o UUID ${SDCARD}1)" ROOT_UUID="$(lsblk -n -o UUID ${SDCARD}2)" chroot /mnt rm /vmlinuz /vmlinuz.old /initrd.img /initrd.img.old chroot /mnt bash -c 'cd /boot; ln -s $(ls vmlinuz*|tail -n1) vmlinuz; ln -s $(ls initrd*|tail -n1) initrd' cat << EOF > /mnt/etc/fstab proc /proc proc defaults UUID=${ROOT_UUID} / ext4 noatime,errors=remount-ro,discard UUID=${BOOT_UUID} /boot ext4 defaults,discard EOF cp /mnt/usr/lib/linux-image-*/exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb /mnt/boot/ cat << EOF > /mnt/boot/boot.ini setenv initrd_high "0xffffffff" setenv fdt_high "0xffffffff" setenv rootdev "UUID=${ROOT_UUID}" setenv rootfstype "ext4" setenv console "both" setenv verbosity "8" if ext4load mmc 0:1 0x44000000 /bootenv.txt; then env import -t 0x44000000 \${filesize}; fi setenv consoleargs "\${consoleargs} console=ttySAC2,115200n8" setenv bootrootfs "\${consoleargs} consoleblank=0 loglevel=\${verbosity} root=\${rootdev} rootfstype=\${rootfstype} rootwait rw" setenv HPD "true" ext4load mmc 0:1 0x40008000 /vmlinuz ext4load mmc 0:1 0x42000000 /initrd.ub ext4load mmc 0:1 0x44000000 /exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb fdt addr 0x44000000 if test "\${cecenable}" = "false"; then fdt rm /cec@101B0000; fi setenv bootargs "\${bootrootfs} governor=performance \${extraargs}" dmc 825 bootz 0x40008000 0x42000000 0x44000000 EOF chroot /mnt mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n 'boot.ini as u-boot script' -d /boot/boot.ini /boot/boot.scr chroot /mnt mkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n image -d /boot/initrd /boot/initrd.ub git clone https://github.com/hardkernel/u-boot -b odroidxu4-v2017.05 mkdir /mnt/boot/hardkernel/ cp u-boot/sd_fuse/{bl1.bin.hardkernel,bl2.bin.hardkernel.720k_uboot,sd_fusing.sh,tzsw.bin.hardkernel} /mnt/boot/hardkernel/ cp /mnt/usr/lib/u-boot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin /mnt/boot/hardkernel/ chroot /mnt bash -c "cd /boot/hardkernel; ./sd_fusing.sh ${SDCARD}" umount /mnt/boot umount /mnt/dev umount /mnt/proc umount /mnt sync All done - remove the SD Card, plug into the Odroid HC1 and start using it. 2017-10-12 21:11 GMT+02:00 Harri Haataja <harri.haat...@iki.fi>: > I wonder if a neat set of notes for these efforts could be put on > https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn ? > >