Hi Vagrant, as for the XU4: I have no clue on the details, but odroid/hardkernel tells us that integrating the usb2sata bridge with the board instead of an external cable should get rid of a lot of problems. I have no idea what the exact problems are with XU4 however. Also I suppose there could be several different USB2Sata adapters that people try to use?
The Odroid HC1 has the two USB3 ports provided by the SoC wired to the USB2SATA and network adapter, thus all remaining USB ports are only USB2 - but both SATA and ethernet should be quite fast. At least that is what marketing tells me and in the armbian forum there are some reports of reasonable performance. Some feedback on the u-boot-exynos package: The README.exynos is confusing me. Upstream calls the file README.odroid - not sure if it would be proper to edit that, or to fork it into a debian specific README for the packaging in the debian/ direcory. Here is the disconnect I noticed: * 2 group of boards are mentioned in the README, but the lib/u-boot/ folder in the package has three subdirectories. * No mention of which subdirectory for which board. I suppose -xu3 for the xu3/xu4/hc1 model. No idea what the arndale/ folder is about. * The sd_fuse source for the xu4 should be different for xu4: # Download u-boot source tree with patches and binary files from hardkernel git clone https://github.com/hardkernel/u-boot -b odroidxu4-v2017.05 Not sure if the partitioning is in sync. Debian uses 1MB before the first partition? Some files for hardkernel used a smaller space, other new files use 1MB for u-boot, thus need 2mb in total? Above location seems to aim for 720k for u-boot, thus yet another sizing? hardkernel (vendor) itself proposes different layouts for xu3 and xu4: https://wiki.odroid.com/odroid-xu4/software/partition_table Also they propose two partitions: one for fat with the boot files, one for the root fs (e.g. linux). Debian proposes the same, right? I noticed armbian uses one linux partition (haven't checked which fs), thus I wonder: can u-boot read from ext4 or similar? Are there reasons to not do that? https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/armhf/daily/device-tree/README tells me the dtb files come from the linux kernel? The kernel is the same or close enough, so using the sd-card image from network/ but replacing the initrd and vmlinuz with the network-console/ variant is ok, even with keeping the dtb files unchanged? I failed to find a source for the usb-uart converter with the odroid cable that ships within eu, is on stock and not priced extremely high, will need to continue hunting for one. But this is the procedure I think that might work: # Debian Installer for armhf (arm 32-bit), daily build # Download the partition image and the generic firmware image wget https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/armhf/daily/netboot/SD-card-images/partition.img.gz wget https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/armhf/daily/netboot/SD-card-images/firmware.none.img.gz # Merge both into one image for the SD card zcat firmware.none.img.gz partition.img.gz > SD_card.img # Download the kernel and initrd for the network install image wget https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/armhf/daily/network-console/initrd.gz wget https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/armhf/daily/network-console/vmlinuz # Download the latest uboot for exynos wget https://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/u/u-boot/u-boot-exynos_2017.09+dfsg1-2_armhf.deb dpkg-deb -x u-boot-exynos_*_armhf.deb u-boot-debian # Download u-boot source tree with patches and binary files from hardkernel git clone https://github.com/hardkernel/u-boot -b odroidxu4-v2017.05 mkdir odroid-hc1-u-boot cp u-boot-debian/usr/lib/u-boot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin odroid-hc1-u-boot/ cp u-boot/sd_fuse/{bl1.bin.hardkernel,bl2.bin.hardkernel.720k_uboot,sd_fusing.sh,tzsw.bin.hardkernel} odroid-hc1-u-boot/ # Install the SD card image to the device echo sudo -i dd if=$PWD/SD_card.img of=/dev/\$DEVICE # Install the odroid u-boot loader with proprietory firmware echo cd odroid-hc1-u-boot; ./sd_fusing.sh /dev/\$DEVICE; cd .. # Mount the boot partition, replace the kernel and initrd echo unplug and insert again or run blkdev --rereadpt /dev/\$DEVICE echo sudo -i mount /dev/\$DEVICE1 /mnt echo sudo -i cp $PWD/{vmlinuz,initrd.gz} /mnt echo sudo -i umount /mnt Does that sound like a proper direction? Thanks, Andreas 2017-10-08 1:14 GMT+02:00 Vagrant Cascadian <vagr...@aikidev.net>: > On 2017-10-07, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote: > > as for the hardware I wasn't clear enough: the vendor states the kernel > and > > u-boot for xu4 works for hc1 without changes. And changes are pushed > > upstream, so the plain kernel/u-boot should be fine. The only > new/different > > parts are usb2sata and usb-gige-network controllers, > > Hah. I wondered how the advertised "native sata" could possibly be > implemented in a 100% compatible way... misleading marketing. > > > > thanks to usb they should work with no issues. > > Unfortunately, USB support on odroid-xu4 has been totally broken or > unreliable since linux 4.8... for example: > > https://bugs.debian.org/843448 > > And while maybe one aspect of that particular bug report is resolved, > USB in general is not yet working on odroid-xu4 with any current kernels > in Debian, at least not on the three boards I've tested. > > > live well, > vagrant >