Severity: normal

The openscad package can, until #797816/#798408 is resolved, not be
built on any of the 32 bit ARM architectures, because if is incompatible
with GLES, but depends on QT-OpenGL, which on these architectures is
built against GLES.

I'd be glad if ARM porters could advise on that topic, but until it is
resolved, I expect the presence of the packages on arm{el,hf} to impede
openscad's transition to testing.

(Given the old version can't be built, the package would be removed from
testing completely in several days, to my understanding making way for
the package to re-enter, but explicit removal is faster and less

Note that the package currently configured not to build on arm, but
fails on armhf. This is due to a misconfiguration of build-conflicts (a
build conflict against GLES should make the package implicitly
unsuitable for the affected architectures), which is being fixed with
the next upload independently of the removal.

Thanks for your time

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