Le Friday 28 October 2011 18:01:34, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton a écrit :
>  it's up to you, people.  if you want a low-cost freedom box, or a
> low-cost server, or a low-cost tablet or a low-cost nettop or whatever
> but, unlike many offerings, with an actual decent CPU that won't have
> you regretting spending the money, you have to say so, publicly, so
> that i can refer the factory to the archive posts so that they have
> the confidence to go ahead without you needing to put down any money
> up-front.

I hope I'm not too late following up on this thread. 

I'm interested. I pledge to buy at least one device.

In fact, I'm looking for a digital photo frame device. A device like your 
efika smartbook minus the keyboard, camera but with a RC5 infrared receiver 
would be a great opportunity. 

All the best

http://config-model.wiki.sourceforge.net/ -o- http://search.cpan.org/~ddumont/
http://www.ohloh.net/accounts/ddumont     -o- http://ddumont.wordpress.com/

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