On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 04:27:33AM -0400, Andre wrote:
> I'm trying to install Woody on an 2.4.21 based ARM system with 8MB ram and a 
> 256MB swap partition (using the debootstrap + network method).
> I get through the base system OK (very slow due to excessive swapping) but 
> after that apt-get install <almost anything> causes dpkg to segfault (seems 
> to happen as the amount of swap space used matches the amount of physical 
> memory ?).

Linux no longer needs the swap to match teh physical , swap is simply
an extension of main memory, tho it is a good idea to have enough
backing store for all physical pages present.

I am impressed you managed to get that far! I assume you simply ok the
warnings from dbootstrap mentioning it requires 16MB? The short answer
is "forget it" the longer answer is that you *may* get a custom build
into 8MB but the debian install simply doesnt fit ATM.

> (The same system with 16MB + swap has no problems).

As this is a minimum requirement...

> Is there anything I can do to make apt-get work in 8MB ??

apt builds its dependacy trees and with more than a few hundred
packages its requires a *lot* of memory to do this so I am

Regards Vincent

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