> > > I'm trying to install Woody on an 2.4.21 based ARM system with > > 8MB ram and a 256MB swap partition (using the debootstrap + > > network method). > > > > I get through the base system OK (very slow due to excessive > > swapping) but after that apt-get install <almost anything> > > causes dpkg to segfault (seems to happen as the amount of > > swap space used matches the amount of physical memory ?). > > Linux no longer needs the swap to match teh physical , swap is > simply an extension of main memory, tho it is a good idea to > have enough backing store for all physical pages present. >
So why the segfault ??
With 8MB physical + 256MB of swap, I would expect traversing the dependancy trees etc to slow to a crawl but not to crash.
Does this look like a kernel/HW problem (ie data corruption caused during the swapping process) or a bug in dpkg ??
Andre --