I always make sure my CLI installations have ceni from smxi.  It's in
Debian packages now.
Install sxmi by downloading from http://smxi.org/smxi.zip unzip and run

Go to Package Install and install H2 (I believe) Favorites, or install
utilities,browsers and ceni.

I've asked Debian to make their netinstall iso to include nmcli and nmtui
and Debian-Accessibility to make an option for "Install Basic Command Line
system with networking" but I don't know if this has been done yet.

I'm sure others saying "That's a great idea" here would help.

Best to all,


On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 1:22 PM Jason White <ja...@jasonjgw.net> wrote:

> On 28/5/23 12:55, K0LNY wrote:
> I've been struggling with trying to get the WIFI up and going in this Asus
> ePC.
> I put my wpa_supplicant.conf file that I use on all my Linux machines on a
> thumb drive and mounted it on the Asus and copied it into /etc and into
> /etc/wpa_supplicant/.
> In general, you might be better with a network daemon such as
> NetworkManager, or iwd. In the case of NetworkManager, you can use nmcli
> to configure it - one command is sufficient to set up the wireless
> interface, and it persists across a reboot.

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