yes, you're absolutely right about using existing routes to fix similar problems… The problem with that, however is, that most of the "accessible "methods, we are hoping to have implemented… arre somewhat dated… And while I understand why… And even appreciate some of them more so then it may appear… I think, with the advent of some thing like ancible… That having a " console quote for us lab geeks… That can "build out to order "a machine for us… Is even better!
Does anybody out there feel like teaching class? 

Ian  C. Bray

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On May 29, 2023, at 15:40, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <> wrote:

But that means asking questions on a list which have so many times been asked before.

I think it's easier to supply one of the already existing applications like nmcli, nntui, or ceni and just make the progress itself accessable instead of joining email lists and asking questions that have been asked a hundred times.

Fix the problem so no questions are needed.


On Mon, May 29, 2023, 15:31 K0LNY <> wrote:
One thing I have started doing,
When there is a long string to use that someone sent me, and I can't possibly remember all the parts of the string, I copy it and paste it into an editor, and name it with a .sh extension, and send it to the other computer, and run it with bash.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2023 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: Connect To WIFI In The CLI

Some simpler means of doing this should be already be included in Debian Net Install CD ISO.

We have nmcli and nntui and ceni which all are accessable to screen readers.

Those disabled folks with memory problems would never remember these long commands.

The solution is already available, it just needs to be implemented.



On Mon, May 29, 2023, 13:14 David Hoff Jr <> wrote:

try the following  to connect:

sudo ip link set wlt1s0 up
sudo wpa_supplicant -B -iwlt1s0 -Dwext -c/etc/wpa_supplicant/(YourOwnFile.conf)
sudo dhclient wlt1s0
You will get an error message but it should connect. This has to be done
manually each time you boot up so I have it in script so that if I don't
want on the internet I do not run it.

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