On Feb 13, 2023, at 2:06 PM, Christian Schoepplein <ch...@schoeppi.net> wrote:
> Hi again,
>> Am 13.02.2023 um 18:18 schrieb Frank Carmickle <fr...@carmickle.com>:
>> Yet another thing likely needing work after I get something running, pc 
>> speaker emulation. I'm guessing that we don't have it enabled in the 
>> appstore build of utm. I hope to be wrong about this.
> Yes, I think this does not work out of the box. But TBH I have also no pc 
> speaker for years on all my other notebooks and although I missed it in the 
> beginning now I am fine without it. But get it would be nice, of course.

Oh man. I don't know how I'd get along without it. I set up different frequency 
bells on different consoles so I know where there's been activity. I also use 
`ping -a` all the time, sometimes with multiple pings on differing consoles 
when I am debugging network issues.. 

Sounds like we are going to need to start a conversation with the utm folks to 
get some adaptations for us. Seems like they are interested in helping, given 
that there are multiple references to adaptations they've already done for 
screen readers.


> Cheers,
>  Schoepp

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