Hi Frank and all,

On Mon, Feb 13, 2023 at 03:05:50PM +0100, Christian Schoepplein wrote:
>When using the arm64 installer no beep tone was played, but this might be 
>because the whole system is running in a VM. So either pressing "s" does not 
>work in the arm64 installer or we just don't know when to press the key :-).
>I'll ask my girlfriend if she can take a look or what to press to get into 
>the menu to have the accessible installer started.

OK, we took a look now.

When the installer is started, which happens very quick on a M1 Mac with 
UTM, the Accessibility Menu can be selected when pressing arrow down 4 times 
and then enter. Also a textbased installer is started when pressing "s".

But I was not able to get speechoutput working, no matter which sound card 
I've selected for the virtual machine configuration.

Braille is working when i start the normal installer, just press enter when 
the bootmanager has finished loading.

When a braille device is connected to the VM and "s" is pressed in the 
bootmanager menu nothing happens, no braille, no speech.

When a braille device is connected and the menu item for the accessible 
installer is selected there is also no braille and no speech.

So, the only working installation method for the arm64 installer is with 
braille at the moment it seems and there are sometimes big problems with the 
output on the braille device. In many situations only parts of the different 
installation items are displayed, e.g. only three times guided and one times 
manual in the section for partitioning the harddrive, nothing about LVM, 
encryption and these things.

I've used a braille device with 40 elements and I can test also with 80 
element, but I think in general the arm64 installer needs some more love to 
work as good as the installer for amd64 systems.

But if you have a braille device and if you know how to install Debian and 
know the substeps of the installationprocess a little bit, installing an 
arm64 system is possible.

I can also upload a preconfigured VM with speech support enabled and brltty 
installed onto one of my servers if wanted. UTM also offers preconfigured VM 
images, so why not ask them to upload a preconfigured virtual machine or a 
template there?



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