You are probably using a firmware driver not yet included on the
firmware installer iso.  What I use is included.  The computers I have
are amd x86-64 models not intel.

On Sun, 30 Aug 2020, Matthew Dyer wrote:

> Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2020 10:18:49
> From: Matthew Dyer <>
> To:
> Subject: debian firmware July 22, 2020 install
> Resent-Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2020 15:52:12 +0000 (UTC)
> Resent-From:
> Hi Jud,
> What kind of computer is this by chance.  I ask as I have tried installing
> debian with the standered install though I am using the non free firmware it
> still complans about nededing wifi drivers, but downloading the firmware
> driver set from the debian site and then using the advance installer works. 
> Any ideas?  Thanks.
> Matthew
> I had gone with the default software selection of 1,6,10,12 for
> accessibility. Speakup says ok on booting and nothing else until I ctty
> into tty1 then I get a login prompt and can log into the system. orca
> does not come up talking when system is allowed to run until the disk
> drive goes silent. Using orca -e is ineffective.
> Will it be possible to have orca come up talking on this system and if not
> I hope I'll be able to remove the debian desktop environment and mate.
> Haven't tried that yet since I'm to move and haven't got time to do much
> with computers for a few days.
> --
> .


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