On 6/17/20 6:34 PM, Aaron wrote:
> I'm testing in Buster using the MATE DE with Chromium 80.
> ...
> Everything seems to work in Firefox with Orca (annoying, but working).
Just realized that I forgot to use the --force-render-accessibility flag
when starting Chromium. Using that flag, Orca works about the same in
Chromium as in Firefox, including the description of the prompt and the
reading of the rendered text, so I assume this is a problem with the
braille display.

Here is the HTML again:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Javascript Accessibility Experiment</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    function nextMove(curresp) {
        response = curresp;
        document.write("You responded " + response + "<br>");
        return true;

    response = window.prompt("What is your response?");



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