I'm testing in Buster using the MATE DE with Chromium 80. I don't have a
braille display which I assume is why I'm not getting the same problem
with the prompt. Using just Orca, I get the description of the prompt
and feedback while I type into the prompt but not the text generated by
the document.write.

Everything seems to work in Firefox with Orca (annoying, but working).

What braille display are you using? What braille display software are
you using in Windows?



On 6/14/20 10:29 PM, John J. Boyer wrote:
> I am using Mate with Debian Bullseye. However, the version of Debian doesn't 
> make a difference. It may be important that I am using Orca with Braille, 
> When I try this code the window.prompt statement seems to be ignored, and 
> then the browser seems to hang. typing something and then enter does nothing.
> John
> On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 12:26:41PM +1200, Aaron wrote:
>> On 6/12/20 4:12 PM, John J. Boyer wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Please look at the attached html fille. It is a small experimental page.
>>>  It works with Chrome on Windows, but not with Chromium or firefox on mate. 
>>>  Why is this? Can I make it work? It will be used to develop a 
>>> word-association O
>>>  game for my websites.
>>> Thanks,
>>> John
>> I'm a web developer with a lot of experience with dynamic HTML. This
>> appears to be the code you are talking about:
>> <!DOCTYPE html>
>> <html><head>
>> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
>> </head>
>> <body>
>> <script>
>>     function nextMove(curresp) {
>>         response = curresp;
>>         document.write("You responded " + response + "<br>");
>>         return true;
>>     }
>>     response = window.prompt("What is your response?");
>>     nextMove(response);
>> </script>
>> </body></html>
>> I tested this with Chromium 83 under MATE and I don't see any difference
>> between how it works with Firefox or Chromium. In both cases, it opens a
>> prompt window asking for a text input, then prints whatever was typed
>> into the box to the screen. In what way does it seem to not be working?

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