From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr." <>
Date: Sunday, January 12, 2020 at 12:20
To: Jason White <>
Cc: Devin Prater <>,
<>, Vojtěch Šmiro <>, Alex
Subject: Re: Mozilla TTS (was Re: New Nuance Conversational Voice)
Jason said: "If it becomes reliable and works in real time, it could be adopted
as the default for Linux systems."
Real time meaning when asked for on a host computer, or meaning when networked
via Internet with a networked databank?
It will run on a host computer (i.e., it doesn’t rely on any remote server),
but, if I remember the Mozila blogs correctly, a current limitation is the
processing time that it requires. This may not deliver the responsiveness
required for screen readers, Emacspeak, and similar applications as yet. I
would expect Mozilla to be working on the limitations, however.