---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2020 06:10:40
From: chrys <ch...@linux-a11y.org>
Reply-To: fenrir-screenrea...@freelists.org
To: fenrir-screenrea...@freelists.org
Subject: [fenrir-screenreader] Re: fenrir installation
> pip3 install fenrir-screenreader and that should work on any linux
> distribution.
well right, in theory it should. in reality it does place the configuration
files at a wrong installation path. i did not figure whats the issue as the same
setup.py works perfectly on my arch machine. so the issue seems to be the way
how Debian handles non source files in setup.py files with pip3.
If anyone knows about the reason, let me know.
here the setup file for pip:
cheers chrys
Am 31.01.20 um 17:34 schrieb Jude DaShiell:
> Another way to install fenrir is:
> pip3 install fenrir-screenreader and that should work on any linux
> distribution.
> Sometimes pip install fenrir-screenreader works better but with the
> transition from python2 to python3 perhaps use of pip might be a bit
> dangerous until python2 is finally off of standard linux distributions.
> It's also possible those using pip or pip3 for the first time will be
> advised to upgrade pip and this isn't hard and the older pip will be
> removed once an upgrade happens.
> On Fri, 31 Jan 2020, chrys wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 10:47:35
>> From: chrys <ch...@linux-a11y.org>
>> Reply-To: fenrir-screenrea...@freelists.org
>> To: Mallard <mall...@kimabe.eu>, fenrir-screenrea...@freelists.org
>> Subject: [fenrir-screenreader] Re: Testing
>> Howdy Ollie,
>> On Arch its quite easy to install fenrir as it is in AUR.
>> # i still use aurman, but you can of course? use the AURhelper of your choice
>> aurman -S fenrir-git
>> to install fenrir if you run pulseaudio, the sound card is locked by the
>> pulseaudio instance of your user. As fenrir runs currently as root an second
>> instance of Pulseaudio as user root would require access to the hardware.
>> this
>> is denied because its locked by the instance used by your user. So the script
>> configures the root instance of pulseaudio to stream its sound to your user
>> instance of pulseaudio (instead play it directly), and configure your user
>> instance of pulseaudio to receive the root sound stream and play this stream
>> on your speaker. this makes you hear the sound created by fenrirs TTS
>> process.
>> this is just to let you know what the scripts are doing.
>> you need to run this once as normal user and once as root (to bring both
>> configurations in place)
>> # as normal user:
>> /usr/share/fenrirscreenreader/tools/configure_pulse.sh
>> # as root
>> sudo /usr/share/fenrirscreenreader/tools/configure_pulse.sh
>> let me know if you need help. fenrir is of course not perfect yet :), but i
>> do
>> my best to improve it. also if i don't have that time i currently wanna have
>> for develop it.
>> cheers chrys
>> Am 31.01.20 um 16:25 schrieb Mallard:
>>> Hello again Chrys,
>>> Sorry, I think I need some more help here.
>>> Where is teh Pulseaudio Configure Script to be found?
>>> Arch was installed for me by my son, as I said previously, and I only
>>> resurrected it, but I don't know what was done then.
>>> Thanks, sorry for this laughable question... lol
>>> Ciao,
>>> Ollie
>>> On 30/01/2020 14:19, ch...@linux-a11y.org wrote:
>>>> Howdy Ollie,
>>>>> because my Arch doesn't want to speak in the consol
>>>> Using pulseaudio requires some additional step.
>>>> did you run the configure pulseaudio script?
>>>> cheers chrys
>>>> Zitat von Mallard <mall...@kimabe.eu>:
>>>>> hello Pranav,? Thanks" for confirming. I was looking into Fenrir, because
>>>>> my Arch doesn't want to speak in the console, while all is well in Mate
>>>>> desktop.? What I tried up to now has giuen no results... sigh.? I'll wait
>>>>> till Fenrir is fixed to try it out.? Ciao,? Ollie
>>>>> ?Sent from BlueMail ?
>>>>> On 30 Jan 2020, 00:40, at 00:40, Pranav Lal <pranav....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ollie,
>>>>>> Fenrir as far as I know works only in the console. I have been unable
>>>>>> to get the latest versions working due to a problem with the pyttsx3
>>>>>> library. The library is a cross platform library to work with speech.
>>>>>> It seems it is executing the code meant for Microsoft windows in the
>>>>>> Linux installs so there is a problem.
>>>>>> Pranav
>>>>>> From: fenrir-screenreader-bou...@freelists.org
>>>>>> <fenrir-screenreader-bou...@freelists.org> On Behalf Of Mallard
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 2:03 AM
>>>>>> To: fenrir-screenrea...@freelists.org
>>>>>> Subject: [fenrir-screenreader] Re: Testing
>>>>>> hello Pranav,? I hear you loud and clear.? I've just resurrected my
>>>>>> Arch and Slint installations, and was thinking of giving Fenrir a spin.
>>>>>> I haven't followed this list at all, so I don't have a very clear
>>>>>> picture of the current state of the screen reader.? Someone told me it
>>>>>> works in both console and graphic desktop, while my understanding was
>>>>>> it's only for console.? Which is true?? Thanks, take care. Ollie
>>>>>> Sent from BlueMail <http://www.bluemail.me/r?b=15774>
>>>>>> On 29 Jan 2020, at 18:19, Pranav Lal <pranav....@gmail.com
>>>>>> <mailto:pranav....@gmail.com> > wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Just testing if I? can send messages.
>>>>>> ?_____
>>>>>> MailingList: fenrir-screenrea...@freelists.org
>>>>>> <mailto:fenrir-screenrea...@freelists.org>
>>>>>> Website: https://linux-a11y.org
>>>>>> Wiki: https://wiki.linux-a11y.org/doku.php?id=fenrir
>>>>>> Code: https://github.com/chrys87/fenrir
>>>>>> IRC Live Support:
>>>>>> Network: irc.linux-a11y.org <http://irc.linux-a11y.org>
>>>>>> Room: #a11y
>>>> --------------------------------------------
>>>> MailingList: fenrir-screenrea...@freelists.org
>>>> Website: https://linux-a11y.org
>>>> Wiki: https://wiki.linux-a11y.org/doku.php?id=fenrir
>>>> Code: https://github.com/chrys87/fenrir
>>>> IRC Live Support:
>>>> Network: irc.linux-a11y.org
>>>> Room: #a11y
>> --------------------------------------------
>> MailingList: fenrir-screenrea...@freelists.org
>> Website: https://linux-a11y.org
>> Wiki: https://wiki.linux-a11y.org/doku.php?id=fenrir
>> Code: https://github.com/chrys87/fenrir
>> IRC Live Support:
>> Network: irc.linux-a11y.org
>> Room: #a11y
MailingList: fenrir-screenrea...@freelists.org
Website: https://linux-a11y.org
Wiki: https://wiki.linux-a11y.org/doku.php?id=fenrir
Code: https://github.com/chrys87/fenrir
IRC Live Support:
Network: irc.linux-a11y.org
Room: #a11y