Le lundi 01 août 2011 à 21:12 +0200, Halim Sahin a écrit : > Hi, > The Situation is that speech-dispatcher-0.7.1-2 is not in squeeze.
Yes, that's why I suggested you test the .deb from snapshot.debian.org, or pinning. > And are you sure that you are have the native alsa code in use? I use this provided by squeeze yes. > Default setup in squeeze uses pulseaudio for speechd. Right. That's why I uninstalled pulseaudio, then installed the squeeze speech-dispatcher.deb via dpkg instead of apt to avoid dependencies issues, and in speechd.conf, replaced "pulseaudio" with "alsa" > If someone wants to use console screenreaders the alsa drivber of > speechd crashs. How did you try this? Right I only tried with orca, not with espeakup. > BTW.: This topic has been discused many times in the past without useful > results. Sorry, probably I didn't look at all the mails. As everybody here, my mailboxes are so much active. > In my opinion squeeze's freeze time was really bad for a11y!!! I agree, that's why I still use oldstable and I'm worry for future. But as I want to help Debian, I test squeeze, wheezy, sid, etc. and I try to become a maintainer. > Orca and Speech-dispatcher have both issues wich needs much fine tuning. What do you mean? I needn't more customization than running spd as normal user instead of the service. Thanks for your answers and tests, I'm sure our dialogue can be useful for everybody, for doc-purpose, bug-purpose, improvements-purpose. Regards, > Regards > Halim > > > > -- > Halim Sahin > E-Mail: > halim.sahin (at) t-online.de > > Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
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