Gaijin, le Tue 21 Sep 2010 23:41:09 -0700, a écrit :
> it won't let you do anything but DHCP for network 
> configuration when I need a static IP for the machine.

I've just tried, when DHCP fails it proposes me to setup networking by
hand (that's even the default choice), which just works fine.

> I'm hoping to 
> download the 1st DVD image of Squeeze when it goes stable if I can ever 
> get jigdo to work, but of course, jigdo isn't in Debian.

It is in Debian, called jigdo in etch and lenny, and jigdo-file in

> Only jigit, which doesn't work with the website urls., of course
> again. <sighs>

Did you report that bug?  Bugs that are not reported have very little
chance to ever be fixed.


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