Hi Christian,
That's odd - this is what I use for my TOS boot partition in fstab:
/dev/sda1 /tos msdos defaults,noauto
At one time, the option 'atari' would have been needed to get the
correct behaviour for GEMDOS partitions (16 bit FAT instead of 32 bit),
but that is long gone.
Using an incorrect FAT size would have resulted in the partition
mounting at all though. I've never seen my TOS partition going readonly.
Mind you, this was all kernels built from Geert's git repository, not
Debian kernel sources.
Am 23.12.2022 um 23:54 schrieb Christian T. Steigies:
On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 10:41:06AM +0100, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
I wanted to mount the TOS C: (/devsda1) under /tos to be able to copy
installed kernel and initrd from /boot onto my TOS system later on, but for
some reason partman failed to do so.
IIRC at some point with newer kernels TOS partitions became read-only on my
Falcon. I kept an older kernel around just for being able to write updated
kernels to the TOS partitons. But its been a few years, things may have
changed again in the meantime.