Am 21.12.22 um 14:54 schrieb Stefan Niestegge:

Step 2

D-I tries to detect the Ethernet hardware.
My EtherNAT with an SMC91x network chip had been detected without user input, but needs to get a MAC address been set manually. Sadly it seems
to have a hardware issue, as i couldn't get  it running in FreeMiNT as
usual, too.

Carsten to the rescue, he brought a working solution, a NetUSBee.

After you connect Ethernet to _working hardware_ and DHCP works fine,
you create the machine name, root password and a user, and then proceed
to partitioning of the harddrive.

To get the NetUSBee working it was nessecary to chose the "ne - NE2000 ISA pnp Ethernet" driver from a list of network drivers that was presented
by D-I.

Partman detects the partitions created by HDDriver and i chosed /dev/sda2
as my / device and ext4 as the file system. /dev/sda4 is my swap partition.

I wanted to mount the TOS C: (/devsda1) under /tos to be able to copy
installed kernel and initrd from /boot onto my TOS system later on, but for some reason partman failed to do so. I changed /dev/sda1 back to "do not use"
and finished the partitioning. Now the base system is installed from the
netinst CDROM and then i had to choose the mirror server. I went with the
default for germany and apt started fetching files.

Next up: Step 3 - choose and install software


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