Hi Ingo,

point of detail - WarpEngine is based on the NCR53c710, and supported
by the zorro7xx module.
The new ESP driver supports CyberStorm I and II, Blizzard 2060 (all
recently tested by Adrian and Christian). Blizzard 1230 II and IV
(last tested by Tuomas Vainikka a few years ago on an earlier version
of this driver), and FastLane (no idea when that was last tested).

What's not supported right now is Oktagon SCSI - in contrast to the
above, this card does not have a DMA engine. We have pseudo-DMA
support in the Mac ESP driver, but the Mac uses a 1:1 mapping of
physical addresses into kernel virtual space while the Amiga uses an
offset mapping. The Mac PDMA code would need some modifications for
this board (ideally, just accounting for some offset, nothing major).
If someone's keen to give it a try and wants more details, just let me

Also not supported is Cyberstorm 060 SCSI - that one shares the same
Zorro ID as Fastlane / Blizzard 1230 II, and ZorroII boards will be
probed as a Blizzard 1230. Looking at the Zorro board data, it should
be possible to tell the boards apart - if someone has such a board and
can provide some data, I can easily add support now that the driver
has been accepted.



On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 9:44 AM, Ingo Jürgensmann <i...@2018.bluespice.org> 
> Am 19.04.2018 um 23:26 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz 
> <glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de>:
>> As of today, two new m68k drivers have been merged into the staging trees
>> of the Linux kernel.
>> * zorro_esp [1]:
>> * xsurf100 [2]:
> Wohoooo!
> That’s really good news!
> The ESP driver not only powers some Cyberstorm card, but also A4000T, 
> Blizzard 2060 and WarpEngine.
> The xsurf100 driver is another good news, because this is a 
> still-in-production NIC for quite cheap price (for Amiga hardware at least).
> I might be able to update my Amigas again… Thanks to everyone that were 
> involved! :)
> (I think, re-installing them will be the better option ;))
> --
> Ciao...          //        http://blog.windfluechter.net
>       Ingo     \X/     XMPP: i...@jabber.windfluechter.net
> gpg pubkey:  http://www.juergensmann.de/ij_public_key.asc

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