Hi Finn,

Am 30.10.2016 um 18:52 schrieb Finn Thain:
> On Sun, 30 Oct 2016, Michael Schmitz wrote:
>> but what makes the driver work with most disks but fail with some? 
>> Different SCSI command set supported by the disks?
> Anything that would inhibit disconnection/reselection should avoid the 
> bug. (BTW ISTR that my SCSI2SD never disconnects a command.)
> I think the target has to signal SEL-with-ATN during reselection in order 
> to trigger the bug. I think this is not part of SCSI-1.
> The SEL-with-ATN process is discussed in the "Configuration Register 3" 
> section, Bit 3, in 
> http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/historic-linux/early-ports/Sparc/NCR/NCR53C9X.txt

What chip revision is this doc for? As far as I can make out, it should
be fas100a? The esp_scsi.h comments suggest the tagged queuing bit is
for revisions > fas236. The chips used on Macs were probably esp236 or
fas236? Depending on the

Not sure whether select with attention is present in SCSI-1, but tagged
queueing (which requires extended messages) is a SCSI-2 feature. So we
will need bit 3 in config2 set if any target support SCSI-2. From my
reading of esp_get_rev(), it's not currently set there (cleared when
config2 readback test is prepared and not restored after it's clear we
have better than ESP100). I suggest config2 is set to
ESP_CONFIG2_SCSI2ENAB before the config3 readback test is done.

Now what I'm unclear on is the interaction between the config2 setting
and the value of bit 3 in config3:

>       Bit 3 Queue Tag Enable
>       When this bit is set, the FSC can receive 3-byte messages
> during businitiated select with ATN.  This feature is also enabled by
> setting bit 3 in the Configuration 2 register.  The message bytes
> consist of a 1-byte Identify message and a 2-byte Queue Tag message.
> The middle byte is the tagged queue message itself and the last byte
> is the tag value (0 to 255).  When this bit is set, the second byte is
> cheked to see if it is a valid queue taggin message.  If the value of
> the byte is not 20h, 21h, or 22h, the sequence halts and an interrupt
> is generated.  When this bit is not set, the chip aborts the select
> with ATN sequence after it receives one Identify message byte, if ATN
> is still asserted.

The ESP driver explicitly clears this bit and only sets it for the
FAS236 variant (using it as fast clock bit there). The logic for setting
a target's config3 value refer to the stored config for target 0, and
the only place I can see that get initialized is again in esp_get_rev().
First to 5, then to 0 once it's clear the register even exists. We could
set bit 3 here, but it may not matter for the chip revisions that we are
interested in... Better set bit 6 (ESP_CONFIG3_TBMS) in our
esp_slave_configure() hook?

>>> I wonder why this problem didn't affect the old ESP driver? (Stan 
>>> pointed out earlier in this thread that "Debian 3.1 (with a Linux 
>>> 2.2.25 kernel) works on the Quadra 660av".)
>> Yep, I wonder about the same thing. Changes to SCSI domain validation, 
>> perhaps even not at the driver but mid level?
> Quite possible. I recall you said that you were able to resolve the issue 
> with a patch to domain validation in the SCSI ML which would inhibit 
> tagged queueing.
> But we really need David's patch, otherwise we probably end up with domain 
> validation reporting a SCSI-2 device with the ESP left in SCSI-1 mode.

Yep, I agree. David's old patch doesn't apply anymore but it's quite
straightforward to reimplement.

>> I vaguely recall that the old Mac ESP driver explicitly disabled 
>> features like sync negotiation and perhaps others, and the interface to 
>> do that had changed or disappeared after the 2.6 series? (No idea really 
>> when that happened - my last interaction with the ESP driver would have 
>> been almost 18 years ago. Totally different code.)
> The present mac_esp also disables sync transfers for PIO mode because I 
> found that necessary. (Async PIO might be impossible.)
>                 printk(KERN_INFO PFX "using PIO for controller %d\n", 
> dev->id);
>                 esp_write8(0, ESP_TCLOW);
>                 esp_write8(0, ESP_TCMED);
>                 esp->flags = ESP_FLAG_DISABLE_SYNC;
>                 mac_esp_ops.send_dma_cmd = mac_esp_send_pio_cmd;
> Tuomas reported that PIO instead of DMA did not affect the bug. But my 
> recall is that the disk which would not work on my Quadra 660av (which 
> uses PIO exclusively) did in fact work on a different kind of Quadra 
> (which used PDMA, but also probably has different ESP silicon).
> Anyway, is safe to do this?
>         esp->ops->send_dma_cmd(esp, esp->command_block_dma,
>                                2, 2, 1, ESP_CMD_DMA | ESP_CMD_TI);
>         /* ACK the message.  */
>         scsi_esp_cmd(esp, ESP_CMD_MOK);
> For PIO and PDMA, the transfer will be finished before the MOK ("Message 
> Accepted") command, but for DMA this seems to be racey...

It sure is racey. Is there a DMA complete interrupt that you can wait
for before proceeding with the ACK?



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