Am Samstag, den 15.04.2006, 12:49 -0500 schrieb Stephen R Marenka:
> > Thanks for the information that this bug is fixed with gcc-4.1, so this
> > will go away when debian switches to gcc-4.1 per default.
> > 
> > But, TBH, I really don't see much point in having openal binaries for
> > m86k. I mean, are there really audio hardware for m86k which would
> > support 3d sound? which reverse depends of openal are usable at all on
> > m86k? Wouldn't it make more sense to add openal (and perhaps the
> > libgl/libglu implementations as well) to p-a-s, so that those packages,
> > including their reverse depends, won't be built on m86k any longer? I
> > think this might help this arch to keep up with unstable.
> Truth is I have no idea what hardware we have on m68k. We have too many
> subarchs for me to begin to keep up, some of which do have pci slots.
> If you think, as the maintainer, that p-a-s is the way to go, then I'll
> make that request.

I'd like to hear what the porters say. I currently cannot imagine that
there is any use for openal/freealut and reverse depending packages on
m68k machines. While I assume that there are soundcards for m86k, which
can produce stereo sound, I'd like to hear if somebody knows about
multi-channel soundscards, which would/could work.

Therefore my question: how about adding openal to p-a-s, and remove all
reverse depends on m86k? I think this could help this port to keep up
with the other archs.

Otherwise I'd be more than happy if some porter could provide a patch
for this FTBFS:

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