On Mon, Feb 20, 2006 at 08:36:55PM +0100, Eugen Paiuc wrote:

> 36 Mo ,
> /dev/root is 19.2 Mo , and is used  - only - 47 % -  less 10 Mo, when 
> something cut down the speed...

Well if the ramdisk is 20mb, that only leaves 16 for anything else going
on. It might be interesting to see if sarge installs okay. The sarge 
ramdisk is only 13mb. 

However, 16mb or even 23mb free ram is really unlikely to be enough for 
this installer. There are things we can do to make it less resource
intensive, but I haven't gotten to them.

Etch doesn't need the whole 20mb ramdisk, but I haven't done tests 
recently to see what that can be trimmed down to.

Note that 2.6.x would improve on this because it uses tmpfs instead
of a fixed-size ramdisk. Still, I'm not sure that 36mb would be enough.

One thing you could do would be to manually partition the disk from
MacOS and create a swap partition. d-i should use one if it finds one
and it's in lowmem mode.

Stephen R. Marenka     If life's not fun, you're not doing it right!

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