> On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 01:20:50PM -0500, Jesse R. Lucke wrote:
>> The partitions are there; they're shown when I ask Penguin for SCSI
>> device
>> info. My Mac utilities can see them too. Any ideas as to why it's not
>> formatting them and what I can do about it? Is there a utility I can use
>> to format them from the Mac OS?
> Could you send your partition map listing to the list? I seem to recall
> that the woody installer was very picky about names and such. Much more
> than it needed.
>       Brad Boyer
Thanks for the input folks; here's the complete partition map as reported
by Silverlining:

Partition 1
    Name:  Apple
    Type:  Apple_partition_map
    Start block = 1
    Block count = 63

Partition 2
    Name:  Macintosh_SL
    Type:  Apple_Driver43  •
    Start block = 64
    Block count = 128

Partition 3
    Name:  Macintosh_SL
    Type:  Apple_Driver_ATA
    Start block = 192
    Block count = 128

Partition 4
    Name:  OS 7.6.1
    Type:  Apple_HFS
    Start block = 320
    Block count = 200,000

Partition 5
    Name:  swap
    Type:  Apple_UNIX_SVR2
    Start block = 200,320
    Block count = 65,536

Partition 6
    Name:  debian
    Type:  Apple_UNIX_SVR2
    Start block = 265,856
    Block count = 799,379

Hope someone sees a problem here!  :-)

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