Am 2003-09-25 15:39:47, schrieb Andrew Weiss:
>On Tuesday, September 23, 2003, at 04:08 AM, REGENT wrote:
>>---- Start SpamAssassin results
>>14.70 points, 4 required;
>Why is the debian-68k list sending me Spam Assassin hits?... is this 
>because of the DNS wildcard or something?
>Anyone else on this list getting constant SPAM?

Yes from Thursday last week up to today around 32.000 (Virusses and SPAM)
with aound 41 GBytes...

On a Dial-Up with 33600 BpS 'mailfilter' is your friend...
All Mails Killed in less then 35 hours. 


Greetings from Strasbourg

running a T1950CT to fight Viruses and SPAM

Registered Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,

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