On Sun, 2003-09-07 13:14:53 -0400, Christian T. Steigies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 01:25:22PM +0200, Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:
> Is the message you sent me privately still relevant? You said you tried the


> "experimental" boot-floppies and the kernel-image is too large. However that
> kernel-image is identical to the one in the official boot-floppies, how can
> it be too large in one install set but work in another? The only thing that

I don't know amiboot's internals, but maybe it fails to place kernel +
initrd into RAM?

> > I'm currently trying to install an Amiga 3000 T with Debian. I'm not new
> > to Linux nor to Debian, but I'm failing.
> > 
> > - Woody installer:
> >     - Woody's install kernel (2.2.18 or 2.2.20 IIRC) seems to be a
> >       *bit* unstable. After the installation started off
> >       successfully, d(e)bootstrap and their childs may SIGSEGV'ed or
> >       SIGBUS'ed...
> SIGSEGV sounds like a broken FPU/MMU to me, but I'm no expert in that.

...or like non-working code wrt. caches at context switch time.

> > - Potato installer:
> >     - Basically, it finds it's ramdisk ('Found compressed ramdisk at
> >       block 0', but it halts there. That's tha last line.
> > 
> >       Some time ago, the root image was large (~10MB or the like),
> >       but I've checked that, it's only ~3MB. I've even tried to make
> >       it smaller (dropped some of the free space...), but the result
> >       is still the same.
> The rootimage was never 10MB, root.bin had to fit on a (virtual) 1.44MB
> floppy. I guess you are talking about base_2.x.tar.gz which contained the

Compressed, yes. Uncompressed, no.

> base packages. Obsolete with woody. But how did you make it smaller?

No, I'm talking about a compressed initrd image which was (uncompressed)
quite large (at least >10MB, it was just around 13MB IIRC).

So I had troubles to unpack it, but that's quite some time ago. I
already tried to install this machine two times before, but each time I
suffered from a failing HDD :-(

This time, my HDD is working quite nice and the installer even starts
off. I can do quite a lot with it, but I can't *finish* installation,
because it breaks beforehand.

Geert volunteered to build me a kernel and I'll have a try with that.
Unfortunately, I've not yet a m68k-linux cross-toolchain, so I can't do
it myself right now.

> > Well, then I started to play around:
> > 
> > - Woody's root.bin with kernel-image-2.4.20-amiga kernel:
> >     - Doesn't work at all, because amiboot-5.6 cannot boot that
> >       kernel. It's too large. I wonder if *anybody* has ever booted
> >       this image...
> I am using it, Amiga2000, 128MB RAM. Unless you happened to get the one

Wow, loads of RAM:) I think my box has got 12+2, so most probably
amiboot doesn't have any problem finding enough RAM to place kernel
and/or initrd.

Well, where can I get more RAM? Ebay? I'll have a look (I know that
Linux with a lot of swapping isn't much fun, though...).

> which I built for all subarches (amiga, atari, mac, *vme), that one does not
> boot for me either, but that one never made it into the archive. You are
> sure you unpacked the kernel-image package? But then I never tried to
> install with that kernel.

Yes, I am. But I do have a lot less RAM compared to you, so it might
simply be some too-less-RAM problem. I'll sport for some more RAM.

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>uname -a
> Linux aahz 2.4.20 #2 Sat Jun 21 16:37:51 EDT 2003 m68k unknown
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>uptime 
>  13:13:43 up 53 days, 13:14,  1 user,  load average: 1.00, 1.01, 1.17

Nice:) What CPU is this? 030?

> > - Potato install kernel + Woody root.bin
> >     - Oopses some time after I've started to install the base
> >       system while accessing 0x00000023 (-> seems to reference some
> >       struct element...)
> Shouldn't happen, the woody kernel works fine for me.

8^D Maybe there's some bug in the swapping code. I had something like
that on MIPSel, too. Some shift value wasn't correct, but I fear I'm not
yet deep enough into m68k/linux to investigate this...

> > Unfortunately, the install kernel doesn't have the ariadne2 driver
> > compiled in. If it had, I'd had a try and use nfs-root to do a fully
> If it had, the kernel-image would be even bigger (and you said it is too big
> to boot for you already?). And if ariadne2 where built in, people wanted the

Some combinations, at least. I'll see if it makes any difference if I
comment out some lines from startup-sequence and user-startup. I'm
*really* new to AmigaOS and it took me quite a bit to start with an
A3000 (w/o HDD or OS) and a friend's HDD (which was ripped off a A2000

> other nics to be built in, too, and ISDN, and ..., and the kernel-image
> would get even bigger. Thats why modules where invented, they are all in
> drivers.bin(?), and it definetely works with Aridane2 since I happen to have
> one myself and I installed via the net.

Well, seems that's all a problem because my box is so little on RAM.
I'll see if I can get more. But drawing the line, there seems to be a
bug in the mm code...

> > 12+2, but not sure:)
> 12 Chip sounds a little much, 12 Fast sounds a little little, do you have a
> swap partition?

Of course:) Would you offer to do a test for me? I don't want to ruin
your uptime, but if you're booting your box the next time, could you
please add 'mem=9M' (or rip it off if m68k doesn't handle this) to see
if the box is stable while going deeply into swap (start a gcc-3.3 or an
apt-get update). 9MB should be what's remaining after initrd got
decompressed. I'm really interested in the result here...


   Jan-Benedict Glaw       [EMAIL PROTECTED]    . +49-172-7608481
   "Eine Freie Meinung in  einem Freien Kopf    | Gegen Zensur | Gegen Krieg
    fuer einen Freien Staat voll Freier Bürger" | im Internet! |   im Irak!
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